Thursday, 22 March 2012

Opinion Piece - Hangovers

The alarm’s just trilled, and you wish nothing more than to hit snooze and roll over, close your eyes and drift off back to sleep... But no, university awaits and you have to get up and stagger off to lesson with a banging headache, weary limbs and blurry vision. Oh yes, I’m talking about those horrendous days where you have to muster up the strength to go to university early morning after a hard night out on the sauce.
I mean the dreaded hangover. Why does it exist? One drink too many and you end up waking up and suffering the effects from having a good night out. It just doesn’t seem fair!
There’s nothing worse than stumbling into an early morning lecture on a hangover. But let’s face it, we’ve all been there. It’s not the most preferable of states to be in when trying to concentrate; squinting your eyes up and wondering why there’s two lecturers, before realising that in fact your vision is still blurry from last night’s binge...
And then there comes that horrifying moment when you fear you may just be sick, and you find yourself dashing to the toilet and bending over the toilet cubicle, head banging and cursing the double vodka red bull deals that you were so ecstatic about the previous night. But not so much now.
Not to mention, there certainly is a deep regret for the kebab you wolfed down after a 4am visit to the fast food takeaway. And it seemed like such a good idea at the time! But now just the mere thought of food is making your stomach curl...
The ridiculous thing is, we may complain yet we continue to put ourselves in this position. The easy option of course is to slip further under the duvet and forget about the lecture entirely, but that will definitely not bode well, especially upon your ultimate grade. And besides, the course is the reason you’re at university for, right?!
But fear not. These boozy nights are practically essential when you’re a university student, so this brings me to discuss hangover cures, if there is such a thing. A key piece of advice I was always instructed pre-university was to drink lots of water before going to sleep and when you wake up in the morning, which is a recommendation I have always stuck by- alcohol dehydrates the body, so a good glass of water definitely won’t go amiss.
On one hand, some might say hangovers are self-inflicted, so those who end up feeling slightly worse for wear the next day after a night out have no-one to blame but themselves for their thoughtless actions. However, boozy nights out are a necessity of the social side of university life, and therefore the horrendous hangovers are unfortunately inevitable!

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