Thursday, 22 March 2012

Coping with Uni Feature

The work load is building, papers are mounting, deadlines are fast-approaching... how on earth is one supposed to relax over the so-called Christmas ‘break’?
Make sure to keep your cool during the stressful festive season!
Well stressing students, fear not! For I have put together an essential and exhaustive guide to aid you in successfully completing your university work over the festive holidays without quivering into a traumatic bundle of nerves. Just follow these useful steps for a relaxed, stress-free Christmas period!
Do a small amount of work each day- even just setting aside an hour or two can be useful; the work load will be lessened by completing a small portion as each day progresses. This in turn will be a whole lot more effective than rushing a piece of work all in one go in a frantic attempt to get it out the way.
Don’t worry, don’t stress, don’t panic! Worrying just makes things a hundred times worse, so get your head in the right mind-set and make sure you get down to completing tasks with a positive frame of mind. Remain optimistic throughout and have belief in yourself that you can succeed.
Make yourself a structured plan of what needs to be done, set yourself deadlines, and stick to them! It may all seem very dull and bland, but you won’t regret it when you find you are keeping well ahead of the game. By creating a to-do list, you can keep on top of your work load easily and know exactly what needs to be done.
Remember that Birmingham City University have some great resources you can make full use of. Kenrick Library boasts some great books and journals- all you need to do is take a trip to City North campus and utilise what they have to offer. Take heed of the fact that you are essentially paying for these resources, so you may as well use them if they can help you in your studies and develop your individual learning. Best of all, you can also access library materials off-campus too, via online tools. Such books and journals can supplement your studies and assist you in assignments, work and projects, so make the most of them!
Make sure to have plenty of breaks. It may seem like you’re in your element for a while but working for hours on end isn’t as effective as you may think. Breaks are essential; you need to rest your mind and do something else rather than just sitting at your desk all day or burying yourself in a textbook for a ridiculous amount of time. Do something active- you could go for a walk to the shops, or simply take time out and listen to your favourite album or read a magazine, just for some visual stimulus and to break up the heavy work load.
It’s important to stay active if you have been spending a lot of time cooped up in your room making essay plans or hunched over a laptop typing for endless hours. Go for a quick jog or even just enjoy a quick stint on the Wii fit. Make sure to munch some healthy snacks in between working; crisps and chocolate may seem like the more appealing option but the healthier alternative of nuts or a piece of fruit will help fuel your energy. Also drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and your attention levels up.
Grabbing yourself a study buddy or a group of friends to work with can be effective- as long as you make it productive, ensuring you don’t get distracted by social conversations! Furthermore, getting advice and views from others can help you grow and learn as an individual worker.
We’ve all fell culprit to leaving things last minute; instantly regretting it when we find ourselves stifling yawns at two in the morning rushing to complete a 1,500 word essay, necking endless cups of coffee in a desperate bid to keep energy levels up. Not preferable.  Leaving things last minute causes nothing but further stress, and staying up until silly ‘o’clock to get things done can ultimately have a detrimental effect on your sleeping pattern.
The never-ending mound of assignments combined with freezing cold winds and rain down pours may make you want to take cover in your bedroom and hibernate all winter, but make sure not to abandon your friends and family. Assign days off for yourself so you can have a much-deserved break from work- go to the cinema, ice-skating or even just out for a meal. Alternatively, you could let your hair down and go out clubbing. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure you go out and have some fun to release some endorphins!
The festive season cannot be forgotten about amidst all the revision notes and assignment briefs. Take a break from your mind maps and lecture notes and have some fun decking your place with lights, decorations and of course, a Christmas tree. Spend some time browsing stores for gifts for family and friends, and remember that no Christmas holiday is complete without a trip to the traditional German market. Treat yourself to a spiced cider whilst admiring the hand-made gifts for sale and indulge in some German cuisine.
All in all, have a relaxing time but don’t abandon your studies in the process! Happy Christmas BCU students!

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